Covering models with schema tests

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Basic tests are:

  1. Uniqueness of keys
  2. Not null constraint
  3. Foreign keys (relationships test)
  4. Table not empty

See the example of tests configuration for metrika.yml:

   - name: stg_ym_sessions_facts
       - not_empty:
           severity: warn
       - unique:
           column_name: id
       - not_null:
           column_name: account_id
       - not_null:
           column_name: clientids_id
       - not_null:
           column_name: dates_id
       - not_null:
           column_name: traffic_id
       - not_null:
           column_name: locations_id
       - not_null:
           column_name: devices_id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_general_accounts')
           column_name: account_id
           field: account_id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_general_clientids')
           column_name: clientids_id
           field: id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_general_dates')
           column_name: dates_id
           field: id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_general_traffic')
           column_name: traffic_id
           field: id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_general_locations')
           column_name: locations_id
           field: id
       - relationships:
           to: ref('stg_ym_devices')
           column_name: devices_id
           field: id

Comprehensive enough to find any discrepancy, bug or undesired condition in your data right on the staging area. Remember these tests will be imported along with the CORE DWH module and applied to any project, regardless of customer deployment. What matters is the source schema and its tests list.

not_empty test severity level is set to warn simply to highlight the lack of data avoiding termination with error code.

There are precisely 335 tests for 56 models at the moment which stands for around 600% test coverage (click to expand):
